List of completed projects from 2010-2020
•Development of Functional Meat Products-Dr. A.R. Sen (Duration 01.05.2006 to 31.12.2010)
•Economics, meat yield and quality of broilers grown to different live weights-Dr. B.M. Naveena and Dr. Muthukumar (Duration 01.08.2007 to 31.05.2010)
•Process development for the production of dried chicken meat-Dr. Y. Babji (Duration: April 2007-September 2011)
•Development and Evaluation of Technologies for Value Added Meat Products for Entrepreneurial Adoption-Dr. A.S.R. Anjaneyulu (Emeritus scientist project; Duration: 01.04.2009 to 31.3.2011)
•Exploring feasibility and promotional avenues of dried meat products for entrepreneurial adoption in and around Hyderabad city-Dr Y. Babji (Duration: April 2012-March 2013)
•Utilization of rumen liquor from slaughtered animals as feed enzyme source- Dr. S. Vaithiyanathan (Duration : April 2009 – June 2012)
•Studies on genetic markers, genotypes and detection of mutation for consistent mutton quality-Dr. A.R. Sen (Duration January 2009-July 2012)
•Value Chain for Clean Meat Production from Sheep (NAIP: Component 2-Meat Value Chain)–Dr. Girish Patil, S. (Duration: April 2008-september 2012)
•Studies on prevalence of Brucellosis in slaughtered large ruminants at Municipal abattoir, Hyderabad and its public health significance in abattoir personnel- Dr. C. Ramakrishna (Duration: 01.04.2010 to 31.3.2012)
•Development of suitable packaging methods for meat and meat products-Dr. B.M. Naveena (Duration: 01.06.2009 to 31.05.2012)
•Effect of Zn and Se levels in Sheep diets on meat quality-Dr. P. Baswa Reddy (Duration: 01.04.2009 to 30.11.2012)
•Developing traceability model for buffalo meat industry for quality assurance and augmenting export (LBS Young Scientist Award)- Dr. Girish Patil, S. (Duration: November 2011-November 2014)
•Developing organic meat production system for promoting sustainable animal husbandry, enhancing income to producers and health benefits to consumers-Dr. Girish Patil, S. (Duration: November 2012-December 2013)
•Simple means of spent hen meat preservation and transportation for processing purposesDr. R.S. Rajkumar (Duration June 2010-April 2014)
•Development of small scale entrepreneurial project for production of processed meat-Dr. Muthulakshmi (Duration: June 2010-May 2012)
•Estimation of Pesticide residues in Pond reared fishes from Kolleru region of Andhra Pradesh-Dr. G. Venugopal (Duration: July 2011-June 2014)
•Estimation of pesticide residues in poultry feeds and foods-Dr. M. Muthukumar (Duration: 01.06.2010 to 30.09.2013)
•Detection of animal derived materials in foods and feeds through molecular techniques-Dr. S. Vaithiyanathan (Duration: 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2015)
•Emu meat quality, processing and product development towards a niche market-Dr. B.M. Naveena (Duration November 2012 to March 2015)
•A Study on state wise yield of meat and byproducts of cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, pig and poultry (Project Sponsored Department of Statistics, Govt. of India)-Dr. M. Muthukumar (Duration: April 2013 to March 2014)
•Characterization and utilization of by-products from livestock, poultry and fish- R.S. Rajkumar (Duration: November 2012 to October 2015)
•Proteomics of lipid oxidation induced oxidation of buffalo and goat meat myoglobins-Dr. B.M. Naveena (DST, Govt. India funded project) (Duration: 2012 to 2015)
•Production of designer meat through nutritional manipulation in small ruminants and poultry-Dr. Baswa Reddy (Duration: Period: 01.11.2012 to 31.03.2015)
•Creation of awareness on clean meat production and popularization of value added meat products-Dr. Muthukumar (RKVY, Govt. Telangana funded project) (Duration: 2014 to 2015)
•Studies on safety of muscle food based products with reference to carcinogenesis-Dr. A.R. Sen (Duration: 01.04.2012 to 31.03.2015)
•Effect of buffaloes slaughter and meat export policy on livestock, milk, draught power and eco-balance in India-Dr. Muthukumar (APEDA funded project) (Duration: 2015 to 2016)
•Studies on development of natural preservative system for improving microbiological safety and quality of buffalo meat-Dr. Y. Babji (Duration: 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2016)
•Identification of species specific peptide biomarkers using high throughput proteomic approaches-Dr. B.M. Naveena (DBT, Govt. India funded project) (Duration: 2014 to 2016)
•Economic analysis of Indian meat sector-K. Varalakshmi (Duration: April 2015 to March 2016)
•National Meat Research Information Unit-Dr. S. Vaithiyanathan (Duration: October 2014March 2016)
•Estimation of antibiotics residues in fishes and poultry-Dr. Venugopal (Duration: 01.07.2014 to 31.12.2017)
•Study on Prevalence, Characterization and Antibiotic resistance of Campylobacter, Salmonella, E.coli and L.monocytogenes in raw meat and ready to eat meat products-Dr. Laxman Chatlod (Duration: 01.04-2014 to 31.03.2017)
•Feasibility Assessment of Slaughter Units for Small Ruminants-K. Varalakshmi (Duration: April 2016 to March 2017)
•Studies on prevalence of Sarcocystosis in export buffalo meat-Dr. C. Ramakrishna (APEDA funded project) (Duration: April 2014 to March 2017)
•Development of technology for extraction, purification and characterization of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) from meat industry by-products. –Dr. Suresh K Devatkal, Prl.Sci (Duration:April 2015-March 2017)
•Purification and characterization of important bioactive peptides from meat and slaughterhouse by-products- Dr. B M Naveena, Prl.Sci.,( Duration:April 2015-September 2017)
•Development of smart packaging nano-sensor for monitoring quality and safety of meat- Dr. G Kandeepan, Sr. Sci(Duration:April 2016-March 2019)
•Determination of floroquinolone residues in Buffalo meat- Dr. S Kalpan,Sr.Sci(Duration:April 2015-March 2018)Purification and characterization of important bioactive peptides from meat and slaughterhouse by-products-Dr. B M Naveena, Prl.Sci(Duration:April 2015-September 2017)
•Training and capacity building in Sheep and Goat Chain- Dr. P Baswareddy,Sr.Sci., (Duration:February 2017-February 2018)
•Development of miRNA based methods for authentication of meat and meat products with respect to organ meats-Dr. Vishnuraj, M R,Sci (Duration:April 2017 to March 2019)
•Effect of super chilling and cryoprotectants on the quality and storage stability of meat- Dr. Rituparna Banerjee, Sci.,( Duration: April 2016 to March 2019)
•Performance study of sheep markets in India- Mrs. K Varalakshmi, Sci.,( Duration:April 2018 to March 2019)
•Mapping of skeletal muscle proteins from different buffalo breeds of India using high throughput proteomic approaches (ICAR LBSYSA)- Dr. B M Naveena, Pr.Sci (Duration:December 2016-March 2019)
•Species identification of Sarcocysts in buffalo meat- Dr. C Rama Krishna, Sr.Sci.(April 2017 to March 2019)
•Simultaneous quantitative determination of oxy tetracycline and chlortetracycline residues in buffalo meat samples using RP-HPLC- Dr. S Kalpana, Sr. Sci.,(April 2018 to March 2020)
•Assessment of the occupational health hazards and food safety risks associated with abattoir personnel- Dr. S B Barbuddhe, Prl. Sci(July 2017 to June 2020)